Sunday 14 August 2011

Apple Crumble

As summer rolls on into autumn, the trees in the orchards of our great country creak and bend with the weight of their swelling fruits, the wind blows and a few fall off, an early gift from Mother Nature. 

Bramley Apples, sitting in a circle under their previous home, were my first little gift this year after a night of high winds. I cooked them with a little butter and sugar then stirred in a little ground cinnamon, I put them into a dish and set it aside to cool. The topping is made with plain flour, butter, ground almonds, caster sugar and ground ginger, I make up the crumble mix and put it into the fridge and put it onto the apple base when I'm ready to cook the crumble. After a slow baking, 45 minutes at gas mark 4, I took it out of the oven, sprinkled on a little caster sugar and let it stand whilst I made up some custard, Bird's on this occasion, with an extra boost of flavour which came from my vanilla sugar.


Apple Filling
4lb Bramley Apples
2oz Butter
6oz Caster Sugar
1 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
Juice of a Lemon

Crumble Mix
6oz Plain Flour
3oz Cold, Cubed Butter
3oz Caster Sugar
2oz Ground Almonds
Pinch of Salt
1 teaspoon Ground Ginger
1 tablespoon extra Caster Sugar for sprinkling

Peel, quarter and core the apples, pop them into a bowl of cold water with the juice of a lemon to stop them going brown whilst you work. In a medium sized frying pan, heat the butter gently until melted and pour in the sugar, give it a stir, take it off the heat, slice the prepared apples and place into the pan, give it a stir and put the pan back on the heat, bring the contents to simmering point and let the apples cook for a few minutes until some of the slices start to break down. At this point, take it off the heat again and gently stir in the cinnamon. Adding it at this stage stops the cinnamon turning rather acrid. Put the apple mixture into a baking dish, put it on a cooling rack and allow to cool completely.

Make the crumble mix by putting the flour, salt and butter into a food processor and pulse it until you get a breadcrumb consistency, add the sugar, ground almonds and ginger and pulse it again. Pour the mixture into a container and put it into the fridge until ready to bake the crumble. Making the apple crumble this way means you wont get that sogginess that reminds you of school dinners! You will achieve a light, airy and crisp finish.

Preheat the oven to gas mark 4, pile the crumble mix on top of the apple filling making a hill effect,  don't press it down. Put the dish onto a baking tray and bake for 45 minutes or until golden brown. When cooked, take it out of the oven, sprinkle with a little caster sugar and place on a cooling rack. Let the crumble rest for around 20 minutes.
Served with custard or 'a la mode', American for 'with ice cream', or with a dash of thick cream, or all three, either way, you will have a heavenly experience!

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