Friday 15 July 2011

Banoffe Pie

Banoffe Pie like you've never had before! You know when you have bananas in the house and they go brown and smell like those foamy bananas you used to buy from the sweet shop with your pocket money, well don't put them in the compost, cook them in a smooth and creamy caramel, pour on top of a rich and buttery shortcake base, I put a small grating of nutmeg in mine to bring out the flavour of the bananas, chill in the refrigerator, pipe on some whipped vanilla cream and sprinkle over some finely grated dark chocolate that's been chilled for a couple of hours, (your fingers won't get messy if the chocolate is cold) serve after a fine lunch or dinner, save some room for it though!

The pie shown in the picture has been cut into portions and each slice is encased with a silver foil muffin case, perfect if you are going to make this and take it round to someone's home for a dinner, lunch or a treat!

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